Crash flight MH17

We the people of STNL (the Foundation for Co-operative Trauma Assistance Netherlands) think you heard about the crash of the airplane of Malaysian Airlines

The feeling of 'We'EHBR-Kit:
The Orange Booklet

The Orange Booklet deals with a clear sense of togetherness. The 'we' feeling in which the individual contact with each other creates a feeling of security. To encourage each other by brief interim touch, a touch on the shoulder, a pat or embrace. To often and consciously make eye contact with each other. The intention is not only to seek connection and intimacy with your loves ones, but also to extend this to the neighbourhood, village or town.

Click [ The Orange Booklet-pdf ] to download in PDF-format.

Click [ The Orange Booklet-doc ] to download in Word-document.

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Radioactieve straling

Wat kun je doen als besmetting met radioactieve deeltjes of blootstelling aan straling dreigt of heeft plaatsgevonden?
De hierbij aangereikte informatie kan niet totaal beschermen bij blootstelling aan radioactieve stoffen en/of straling. Maar met de tips kan wel vermindering van de gevolgen worden bereikt.
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